Congressional Proclamation honors U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary for 85th anniversary

6 ways Auxiliarists can support their local units
By John Saran, AUXPA1, District Captain East, Auxiliary Ninth Western Region (CG District 9) John Saran is an active member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Here are his suggestions on how best to integrate Auxiliary members with operational active duty units. […]

2023 9 Central Boat School: Partnering With Our Canadian Counterparts
The Charlevoix Flotilla, Glen Stolt FC, and Coast Guard Station Charlevoix sponsored the 2023 annual Boat School from June 9th through June 11th, 2023. The goal of Boat School is to get Crew and Coxswains with their PQS complete, qualified […]

From the USCG Auxiliary to the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve
An Auxiliarist from District 7 is commissioned Ensign in the Coast Guard Reserve.Master-at-Arms Second Class, MA2 Gary Rodriguez, U.S. Navy Reserve (USNR), was looking to engage in community service beyond his Navy Reserve billet. He was aware of the USCG […]
An icebreaker’s summer break on the Great Lakes
By John Saran, Auxiliary Public Affairs Specialist 1, District Captain — Area East,Ninth Coast Guard District Auxiliary (District 9WR) What does an icebreaking tug do on the Great Lakes during the summer after six months of icebreaking operations? Sailing races, […]
Joint operations event sees active duty and Auxiliary crews prepare for a busy SAR season
By John Saran, AUXPA1, District Captain — Area East, Auxiliary District 9WR The SAR alarm sounded, beckoning active duty and Auxiliary crews to the Station Michigan City’s communications room. “We have a report of a vessel that just made the […]
Ombudsman Campaign Underway
Auxiliary Called to Action for Hurricane Ian’s Aftermath
He stuffed towels under the door to the adjoining garage in the hope of stopping a sudden, unexpected flow of seawater, but the brine would not be denied. Defeated, Terry Schwinghammer retreated to the stairs leading to the family’s living […]
Learning How to Tell the Auxiliary Story – The AUX-12 “C-School” Experience
The primary purpose of Public Affairs (PA) is to “tell the story” of the U.S. Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary. Public Affairs Officers (PAOs) conduct PA efforts at the flotilla, division, and district levels. They also augment Coast Guard […]
From Silver to Gold: Ensign Michael Barth’s Journey to Sector New York
On July 6, 2022, Auxiliarist Michael Barth was commissioned as an ensign in the United States Coast Guard Reserve. Ensign Barth made this transition after more than five impactful years of service in the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Highlights of his […]
Answering the Call: Auxiliarists Deploy to Southwest Border
The first wave of Auxiliarists deployed to the U.S. Southwest Border (SWB) are now returning home with the gratitude of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP), the U.S. Coast Guard, the Auxiliary, and […]
Auxiliary University Program Prepares College Students for Public Service in U.S. Coast Guard
The U.S. Coast Guard has an ever-increasing need for officer candidates in the twenty-first century. The Auxiliary University Program (AUP), a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary lead leadership development program established in 2007, prepares college students for future success with a […]